Weave Women & Children's Centre offers a supportive and holistic service. This includes intensive casework support for women and children, parenting education groups, Victims Services counselling and specialist case management for women and children experiencing domestic violence and abuse. We work from a strengths-based perspective, with a focus on family relationships and child wellbeing.

Weave Women & Children’s Centre Open Day
On Thursday 4th August we held our Women & Children’s Centre Open Day on Gadigal Land in Waterloo to celebrate our new and improved space! It was so special to have such an amazing turn out to see our new, improved space and hear more about our work.
This space is for women and children. Every detail has been designed and considered with our clients and community as the focus and with a commitment to creating a place that makes people feel safe, calm and supported. This is a space that our women and children deserve. Our
We aim to:
- Offer a safe and welcoming space for women and children
- Support women to identify and build upon their strengths
- Ensure the safety of women and their children
- Support women to make positive life choices and engage in healthy relationships
- Reduce vulnerability factors, such as homelessness, domestic violence and drug and alcohol issues, and child protection risks
"Now I’m a lot stronger. Weave’ve built me up so that now if something was to happen I would know what to do."
- Weave client
Staying Home Leaving Violence
This program aims to support women living in the Redfern Local Area Command and surrounding areas to leave violent relationships and stay in their own home where possible, or relocate to safe accommodation, by providing casework, court support, safety planning and brokerage to fund security upgrades.
Our domestic violence caseworkers can see women in our centre or visit their homes to provide safety assessments as well as accompanying them to police stations and courts. Childcare is available by appointment for women coming to the centre for casework – bookings are essential.
Our Weave Women and Children’s Centre team and clients discuss domestic violence support.
Number of women supported through the Targeted Early Intervention Wellbeing and Safety Program in 2022 - 2023
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander clients 2022 - 2023
Number of women supported through the Staying Home Leaving Violence Program with intensive casework and security upgrades 2022 - 2023
Number of clients supported through Victims Services Counselling 2021 - 2022

Find Us
Open Monday to Thursday 9am – 4:30pm and Fridays by appointment.
Phone: 02 9699 9036
Address: Gadigal Land, 133 Morehead Street, Waterloo NSW 2017

We are deeply grateful to the Sydney Women’s Fund for their generous support for our domestic violence work at our Weave Women & Children’s Centre.